Income Tax Preparation
Thank you for choosing Phenomenal Tax & Notary Services LLC for your tax preparation needs! PTN specializes in individual and small business taxes. We are dedicated to preparing your federal and state income tax returns with honesty and integrity while maximizing your refund. *Amount of refund will vary depending on individual situations. Everyone may not qualify for a federal and/or state refund.
With PTN you can file your taxes from the comfort of your home. We service our clients virtually via Face Time, Google Meet and Zoom. Please contact us if you would like to make other arrangements and are in the Atlanta area. Once confirmed, you will receive further information to prepare for your appointment.

Documents Needed for your Appointment
Individual Returns
ID and social security card for yourself and spouse
Last year’s federal and state tax returns
W-2's from all places of employment
1099's for all contract work
Healthcare Forms (1095-A, 1095-B, 1095-C)
Dependents full names, dates of birth and social security cards
Childcare form from providers
If non-custodial parent, Form 8332 from custodial parent
Education expenses
1098-E for student loan interest paid
1098-T for ALL students enrolled in post-secondary education
Receipts for education expenses for the year (books, supplies, room & board, etc.)
Record of other sources of income
Alimony Received
Hobby income
Interest & Dividends (1099-INT, 1099-DIV)
Jury Duty
Lottery winnings, other prizes and awards with cash value
Sale of property
Social Security
Other expenses
Charitable donations (including non-cash donations)
Deposits to Health Savings Account
IRA Contributions
K-12 Educator Expenses
Medical Expenses (Doctors, dentists, hospitals, and health insurance premiums paid out-of-pocket)
Mortgage Interest
State and local taxes (including vehicle sales tax paid)
Business Returns
Employer Identification Number (EIN) for registered LLC and partnerships
Records of all income (income statement or sales receipts for good and services)
Records of all expenses
Record of estimated tax payments made